Whether you're intrigued about your roots or you want to discover the origins of your surname, My History will accompany you on the path to discovery with a comprehensive selection of products. Whatever your genealogical needs, let their expertise and range help you research, record, archive and publish that which is most important to you.

Regardless of your expertise or the scope of your project, My History's professional collection offers the tools, software and products necessary to ensure that no one need be left out from rediscovering their past.

Is researching your family history a recent passion but you're unsure where to begin? Why not choose from one of their popular products for beginners including Family Tree software. These enable you to search through records on various indexes, such as, as well as store, print and display the information you eventually gather. Or why not start recording your family history with a chart from only £1.20?

Whether buried inside your attic or hidden somewhere far away, once you've located a treasured photograph or an invaluable document, My History understands that its careful and safe preservation is a top priority. Their range also features a wide array of innovative and conventional storage solutions which includes census and text folders, storage binders, photographic paper repair kits and archival storage boxes.

Once you've got them all safely tucked away, why not display your findings with a range of Family Tree charts and materials so you can admire your work in comfort and pride.

So to take an enriching voyage into your past or to continue as best equipped as can be, order your My History catalogue now for a full list of products, software and advice.

Click Here to buy Family Tree Charts - a great way to get started

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Front Cover Images of My History Newsletter

My History Newsletter cover from 29 October, 2014
My History Newsletter cover from 28 August, 2013
My History Newsletter cover from 13 November, 2007
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